Read frequently asked questions about GRTC.

Can VCU students ride GRTC for free?
Yes. Everyone can ride GRTC buses for free.
Does GRTC go to Kings Dominion?
No. GRTC cut service to Kings Dominion in April 2020.
Does Richmond, Virginia, have a subway?
No. There is no subway in Richmond, Virginia.
Does Virginia Railway Express (VRE) go to Richmond, Virginia?
No. Virginia Railway Express (VRE) trains do not stop in Richmond, Virginia. The closest stop is Spotsylvania.
How much is the GRTC bus fare?
The GRTC bus fare is free.
Is the GRTC Pulse free?
Yes. The GRTC Pulse is free.
Is there a Washington Metro stop in Richmond, Virginia?
No. The Washington Metro system does not extend to Richmond, Virginia. The closest stop is Franconia-Springfield.
What does GRTC stand for?
GRTC stands for Greater Richmond Transit Company.
What time does GRTC stop running?
GRTC buses begin their last trips at 01:00.